:: in order of appearance ::
A:lan Leder is a photo-based artist of 40 years, give or take a few years. He calls Chicago, well, Evanston, Illinois to be exact, home.
Find more of him at
J:ustin Rutzen is a poet and photographer of 8 years. He calls Morton Grove, Illinois home.
Find more of him at
A:ndrea Sutherland is playwright of 6 years. She calls Chicago, Illinois home.
R:uby Des Jardins is a DJ, director, storyteller, and is still learning. She calls the island of St. Croix home.
Find more of her at
E:rin Schalk is an intermedia artist (poetry, painting, performances, video) of 10 years. She calls Okinawa, Japan and the states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Texas, California home.
Find more of her at
J:ennifer Mannebach is a visual artist of 20 years. She calls Oak Park, Illinois home.
Find more of her at and follow her on Instagram @mannebach_art.
J:essie Todd has been a poet since college. She calls West Chicago, Illinois and Madrid, Spain home.
Find more of her at
M:argarita Serafimova is a poet. She calls Sofia, Bulgaria home.
Find more of her on Facebook.
J:ohn Betton is a poet and songwriter of 13 years. He calls Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of him at
B:rett Tracy is a conceptual artist of 10 years. He calls Tucson, Arizona home.
Find more of him on Vimeo or follow him on Instagram @industrialdetours.
R:ic Hudgens is a poet of 10 years. He finds home in his web of relationships where he is seen and held and transformed.
J:ake Platt has been a photographer and writer since 2010. He calls Milwaukee, Wisconsin home.
Find more of him at or follow him on Instagram @thesadcryer.
R:ebecca Grace Hill is a collage and mixed media artist of 15+ years. She calls Evanston, Rogers Park, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, and Christchurch, New Zealand home.
Find more of her at or follow her on Instagram @industrialgrace.
R:uth Goring is a poet, children's author, and visual artist. She's been working with poetry, kids' stories and photographs since childhood, working in collage and mosaic for about seven years. She calls Chicago, Illinois and Colombia home.
Find more of her at, on Twitter @Ruth_Goring, and on Facebook.
M:elanie Teresa Bohrer is a multidisciplinary artist, primarily in fibers and material studies, performance, artist books and printmedia, working in these for about 9 years. She calls Munich, Germany and Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of her at
W:illiam Stell has been a publishing writer for about a year, and has been writing stories as long has he has been able to write. He calls Bordentown, New Jersey home.
Find more of him on Huffpost or follow him on Twitter @wmstell.
T:aylor Rogers is a musician of nine years. She calls North Carolina, Chicago, Illinois, and Mama Earth home.
Find more of her at, follow on Instagram @taylorrogersmusic, and on Facebook.
L:illian Walker has made stories and textures using video off and on for 6-7 years. She calls Bloomington, Indiana home.
Find more of her at or follow on Instagram @pictureluckmedia.
J:amie MacPherson is a poet and theatre artist of 7 years. She now calls Chicago, Illinois but is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Find more of her at
L:evi Yutuc is a conceptual interdisciplinary artist, and has been utilizing video art since 2015. He calls Ravenswood Manor and Portage Park, Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of him by following on Instagram @lviyutuc or on Facebook.
J:oshua Kent is an interdisciplinary artist working within performance, writing, and sculpture of years and years. They call Uptown and Hyde Park, Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of them at
R:obert Kelsey is an artist of illustrations and prints on antique paper goods of three years. He calls Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of him at, follow him on Instagram @robertkelseyillustration, and on Facebook.
G:ibson Jinhyuk Kim is a photographer of 4 years. He calls Korea home.
Find more of him at
A:llison Smythe is a writer and visual artist, and has been working for decades. She calls Colombia, Missouri home.
Find more of her at, follow her on Instagram @allisonwanderlands, and on Facebook.
Josh Beeson is a musician of at least 20 years. He calls Missouri home.
Find more of him at
Chad Comello is a writer. He calls Evanston, Illinois home.
Find more of him at
Laura Wallace is a musician and producer of 5 years. She calls Chicago, Illinois home.
Find more of her on Bandcamp.
Jason Brown is an artist of places, people, and things. He has been working as a community artist and organizer for 7 years. He calls the gracious grid of Evanston, Illinois and the rolling rural hills of Connecticut home.
Find plenty more of him by exploring this here website, or follow him on Instagram @thezipcodekid.
Copyright Notes ::
All work is used by permission of the author/artist, who retain rights.
Please contact author and/or curator for reproduction information.
Content collected and curated by Jason Brown :: TZCK.
Interested in contributing or collaborating?
See the CONTACT page.