Kandern, Germany.
- For Bethany
We used to lose ourselves among
the green leaves in summertime,
when the air was moist
and the flies heavy
and unhurried.
If the word was summer
then our feet were wet
in the creek’s flow, without
shoes on the smooth and less-smooth
rocks, hidden
under the peaked water, alpine
like snow avalanching,
jostled in the white sunlight scattered
across water ripples,
across our supple
skin and rocks, while chemist’s
bonds flexed to make room
for our feet.
Years tussled, lost tresses fell
Fast—what once was
is no more. Another year
always lights—No,
still give me the creek bed’s
cool depth.
String me a canopy
of Kandern, of green
suckling leaves
dense with the Soothe
of Kindheit—kind time.
Christ then in gaiety let us play,
now he cuts us loose.
*Kindheit: childhood (German)
Peja, Kosova.
M A Moench currently calls Peja, Kosova (30000) home. This piece was written about Kandern, Germany (79400), from Wheaton, IL USA (60187).
You can find more from M A Moench at Those Who are Thirsty.